World Expat Stories

Being an expat myself, I am always curious about other people journeys around the world. So far I only lived in France and UK (apart from Italy, my home country) but there is a whole new world to explore. So why not gathering other people life stories and tips through expat interviews? Why not sharing your experience and local point of view with other travellers or indecisive potential fellow expats ?

If you want to have a dedicated post in my expat interview section, please fill in the form with as much details as possible (a paragraph at least) and answer to all my questions choosing to speak about one city only. I will receive it to my personal email and work on it as soon as possible “taking advantage” of the Covid-19 isolation period at home! I look forward to receiving your interviews =)!

Please note that your email, pictures and information won’t be used or stocked anywhere else apart from this interview in order to share your expat story on my website and you are not subscribing to any newsletter whatsoever.

Expat Interview Form

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